
Technical validation workshop on Skills for Green Jobs - 17 May 2010

The purpose of the technical validation workshop was to validate the findings of the global policy-applied research project on Skills for Green Jobs. The Global synthesis report and the European synthesis report were discussed. The workshop aimed to: a) identify environmental challenges and skills response strategies; b) discuss green restructuring processes on the labour market and related retraining needs; c) highlight current and future occupational changes and their implication on vocational training; d) propose specific policy recommendations and suggestions for further steps.

European Centre for the Development
of Vocational Training



Skills for green jobs


Monday, 17 May 2010


Registration of participants


Facilitator: Christine Evans-Klock (ILO)


Welcome and introduction

Christine Evans-Klock, ILO


Rational and objectives of the workshop

Peter Szovics, Cedefop


Skills for green jobs global synthesis report: main findings & conclusions

Olga Strietska-Ilina, ILO

Skills for green jobs in the EU: main findings

James Medhurst, GHK



Tea/Coffee break


Facilitator: Kees van der Ree (ILO)


Session 1: Coherence between environmental policies & skills development policies


Main questions to be addressed:

What are the building blocks for successful policy coherence?

Where do you position your country?

Does the countries’ green response to the current economic crisis include coherent accompanying skills development measures?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Hélène Begon, Mobilisation plan for green jobs in France

Wendy Alfaro, The Costa Rican case

William Mass, Coherence between ARRA & skills development measures in the United States

Mingfu Li, The Chinese perspective



Lunch break


Facilitator: Jon Beaulieu (ILO)


Session 2: Labour market change and green restructuring


Main questions to be addressed:

Is a green structural change happening in all countries?

What are the main building blocks in efficient restructuring measures related to skills and retraining?

Who are the main actors?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Vanessa Foo, Green restructuring in Denmark – the shipbuilding sector

Johanna Togola, Agriculture in Mali

Belynda Petrie, Coal mining in South Africa

Farida Zaituni, The Astra case in Indonesia



Tea/Coffee break


Facilitator: Christine Hofmann (ILO)


Session 3: Occupational change


Main questions to be addressed:

What are the main drivers of change that affect skills needs for greener economies?

Are newly emerging occupations more frequent in developing and high-growth emerging economies?

Are there differences between countries in the level of qualifications for changing and emerging green occupations?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Luiz Caruso, Occupational change in Brazil

Michael Rafferty, Occupational change in Australia

Vipan Kumar, Green architects in India

John David Kabasa, Plastic waste management in Uganda




Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Facilitator: James Medhurst (GHK)


Session 4: Skills gaps and shortages for a greener economy


Main questions to be addressed:

Where are the biggest skill gaps and shortages in countries in terms of greening the economy?

What are major core/soft skills requirements?

Does overall availability of quality human resources solve the problem of skill gaps for green jobs?

Who pays for the consequences of skills shortages?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Andrew Raingold, Skills needs for green jobs in the UK

Abdul Hye Mondal, Skills shortages in Bangladesh

Eduardo Garcia Gerboles, Gamesa: A company perspective



Tea/Coffee break


Facilitator: Peter Szovics (Cedefop)


Session 5: Skills development response measures


Main questions to be addressed:

What are the main channels and mechanisms of current responses in skills provision?

Do countries opt for mainstreaming environmental concerns throughout existing skills systems or are specific courses designed to address skill needs?

How effective is the skills development response?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Rene Ofreneo, Enterprise based responses in the Philippines

Amal Faltas, Skills responses in progress in Egypt

Marion Krampe, Industry level responses involving social partners in Germany

Misug Jin, Skills responses in the Republic of Korea



Lunch break


Facilitator: Olga Strietska-Ilina (ILO)


Session 6: Anticipation & monitoring of change: data collection & analysis


Main questions to be addressed:

Do countries use existing anticipation and monitoring mechanisms for skill needs for green jobs or do they design new systems?

What is the relevant level of analysis? What actors to involve?

What approaches and methods do countries without established labour market information systems (LMIS) work with?

Inputs (5-10 min each):

Elena Cuevas Riaño, The Spanish occupational observatory (under PES) and their occupational research for green jobs

Areeya Rojvithee, Identification of skills needs in the absence of established LMIS in Thailand



Facilitator: Christian Lettmayr (Cedefop)


Moving the agenda forward: conclusions and recommendations



End of the workshop