108th Session of the International Labour Conference (2019)

Governments registration form for membership in Committees

Form or template | 09 May 2019


Please select from the list below the committee or committees of which your government wants to be a member. For each committee, please check the appropriate box depending on whether your government registers as a regular member or as a deputy member. The difference between regular and deputy members is that the latter cannot take part in a vote, unless a government regular member has requested the deputy to replace it. In this case, notice must be given in writing to the Secretariat of the committee (article 56.5 of the Standing Orders). Deputy members have all other rights (e.g. they may take the floor, move resolutions, amendments etc.). 

As committees meet simultaneously, governments may have difficulty in being represented permanently on all the committees of which they are members. Governments are therefore requested to apply for regular membership only of those committees for which they undertake to be represented throughout the committee’s work.

There are three committees which do not appear on this form: the Finance Committee of Government Representatives, since in accordance with article 7bis of the Standing Orders of the Conference each member of the ILO is automatically represented on this Committee, and the two committees of limited membership whose composition is decided by the Conference at its opening sitting: the Selection Committee (article 4) and the Credentials Committee (article 5).

Committee on the Application of Standards

Register your government as:



Standard-setting Committee (Violence and Harassment in the World of Work)

Register your government as:



Committee of the Whole (Centenary Declaration)

Register your government as:



Please note that for the INITIAL REGISTRATION OF A GOVERNMENT IN A COMMITTEE to become effective as of the opening day of the Conference on Monday, 10 June 2019, credentials in respect of the government concerned must have been received by Sunday 9, June 2019 and the registration request has to be made before 18:00 also on Sunday, 9 June 2019.

SUBSEQUENT CHANGES IN COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP can be communicated by submitting a new online registration form or by e-mail to reloff-conf@ilo.org. Such changes will become effective the day after the request is made, provided it is received before 18:00.


Contact information

In order to submit this form, you need to provide your full name and function within the Government you represent as well as an email address where the Office can contact you for any clarification and where you will receive confirmation of your registration.