Publications on youth employment

  1. Demand-side policies for employment promotion in low- and middle-income countries

    21 June 2022

    An overview of key concepts linked to demand-side policies and how they can support job creation in a developing-country context.

  2. Youth at Work in G20 countries: Progress and policy action in 2021 towards the Antalya goal - presentation

    20 June 2022

    This presentation prepared jointly by the ILO and the OECD and presented at the 3rd Employment Working Group meeting under the Indonesian presidency gives a preliminary overview of progress made by G20 countries towards achieving the Antalya goal, and policy action taken by governments to reduce the share of young people most at risk of being permanently left behind in the labour market.

  3. Lessons learned from employment diagnostics during the COVID-19 crisis

    27 May 2022

    The overall objective of this document is to provide policymakers, development practitioners and social partners with a better understanding of the different types of employment diagnostic approaches that have been undertaken during the Covid-19 pandemic.

  4. 2021 Labour Overview of Latin America and the Caribbean

    28 April 2022

    Nearly two years after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, in the third quarter of 2021, the employment rate and economic participation rate were still lower than the 2019 records, while the unemployment rate was higher than in that year. The 2021 Labour Overview describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that prepandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.

  5. ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 March

    24 March 2022

    This issue reports on the work of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Ukraine disrupted by the war, introduces a new project, programme results, several beneficiary stories, features fresh publications and new staff. Videos with Project Managers inform viewers about what the regional office undertook to improve work opportunities in Ukraine and Montenegro.

  6. Youth labour market resilience during the COVID-19 crisis in three middle-income countries

    02 March 2022

    Young people have been especially hard hit by the COVID-19 crisis. Despite support provided by governments, many young people had to rely on their individual capabilities and resources to adapt and react to these difficult times.

  7. Crowdwork for young people: Risks and opportunities

    21 February 2022

  8. 2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

    01 February 2022

    The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.

  9. Youth employment in times of COVID

    21 January 2022

    A global review of COVID-19 policy responses to tackle (un)employment and disadvantage among young people.

  10. Survey on the future demand for vocational training in the textile sector in Brazil

    15 December 2021

    The objective of the survey is to provide technical support to partners in the sector to design and implement professional training strategies that enable them to develop the skills necessary for the success and growth of industries, while ensuring that workers have access to decent and productive jobs.