Publications on HIV/AIDS

November 2017

  1. Publication

    Promoting a Rights-based Approach to Migration, Health, and HIV and AIDS: A Framework for Action

    28 November 2017

    Migrants’ access to health and HIV services can be improved only by adopting a human rights-based approach in the governance of the entire migration process. This new publication, released ahead of the World AIDS Day, analyses the interplay between fair labour migration policies, effective responses to HIV and broader health goals to be addressed in countries of origin, transit and destination; and presents a framework for action.

October 2017

  1. Report as of December 2016

    VCT@WORK: Voluntary Confidential Counselling and HIV Testing for Workers

    17 October 2017

November 2016

  1. Publication

    Promoting diversity and inclusion through workplace adjustments: A practical guide

    30 November 2016

    This guide aims to explain the concept of reasonable adjustments (“reasonable accommodation”) and provide practical step-by-step guidance on how and when these should be provided in the workplace.

July 2016

  1. Publication

    Small and medium enterprises’ response to HIV and AIDS

    14 July 2016

    This brief is intended for SMEs and a wide range of stakeholders who work with SMEs with a view to strengthening their response to HIV and AIDS.

  2. Publication

    Including HIV in public and private sector insurance policies and products

    14 July 2016

    This brief is to help public and private sector insurance/social protection providers as well as other stakeholders engaged in the HIV response to work together for expanding the insurance coverage for PLHIV.

  3. Brief

    HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing at work: Report 2015

    13 July 2016

    ILO report on the VCT@WORK Initiative—voluntary counselling and testing for workers- launched in partnership with UNAIDS, in June 2013.

March 2016

  1. Publication

    Educated Empowered Inspired - Transforming lives through the response to HIV and AIDS in East and Southern Africa

    16 March 2016

    Poverty, gender inequality and social exclusion continue to pose major challenges to HIV prevention efforts. Between 2011 and 2016, the ILO, in partnership with Sida, implemented an innovative economic empowerment programme amongst hard-to -reach populations in transport corridors and vulnerable communities in Southern and East Africa, with the aim of reducing their vulnerability to the HIV epidemic. This publication presents the outcomes of this innovative approach and the effects it had on its beneficiaries.

December 2015

  1. Publication

    Protect Rights, Prevent HIV!

    17 December 2015

    Getting to Zero at Work: Inspirational voices from workers

November 2015

  1. Publication

    HIV and AIDS: Guidelines for the retail sector

    30 November 2015

    The ILO has developed these guidelines to help stakeholders in the retail sector to strengthen their response to HIV and AIDS.

March 2015

  1. Inspirational voices

    AIDS is Everyone's Business!

    16 March 2015

    This publication is a collection of messages of support of the "Getting to zero at work" campaign and the VCT@WORK initiative, received from employers' organizations and the private sector over the past three years.