Greening with jobs learning forum

This Forum provides an opportunity to share good practices, knowledge and experiences and be inspired to create sustainable and decent work opportunities in sectors with high potential for green jobs creation, such as building and construction, waste management, and agriculture. The event brings together experts and practitioners involved at local, sectoral, national and global level in interventions aimed at harnessing the transformative potential of the green economy.

In a future-of-work scenario that requires the creation of more and better jobs in the transition towards low-carbon economies, "investing more in the green economy can advance an inclusive future of work, because environmental degradation disproportionately affects vulnerable populations and low-income countries. Major investment and innovation opportunities await in renewable energy and environmentally sustainable construction and retrofitting, with significant job creation and reskilling impacts" (ILO, 2019).

Who attends this course?

This forum targets professionals involved in designing and implementing local, sectoral, national and global strategies for the transition to greener economies: policy-makers; ILO tripartite constituents; practitioners and staff from development agencies; members of academia and civil society.

What topics does this course cover?

The Learning Forum allows you to update yourself on the greening-with-jobs paradigm in a series of Master Classes, delivered by key experts during the early morning hours:
  • Employment in the green economy and the role of workers and employers
  • Circular Economy: Current trends and technologies. From concept to practice
  • Skills in the green economy: Skills anticipation and skills matching. Creating jobs and avoiding bottlenecks in business
  • Green finance: Instruments for tapping private finance in support of green investments
  • Public-private partnerships for the green economy: Enhancing the efficiency of public good provisioning. Opportunities and constraints

Direct link to ITCILO and Flyer of the programme.