Building a Global Alliance against Forced Labour and Human Trafficking

Provides core support to the Special Action Programme to Combat Forced Labour


Core support enables the ILO, mainly through its SAP-FL programme under the DECLARATION (a) to build and consolidate a Global Alliance against Forced Labour in cooperation with the ILO’s tripartite constituents and other key strategic partners, and (b) to implement the four-year Action Plan against forced labour, adopted by the ILO Governing Body in November 2005, also incorporating forced labour concerns, in a fully gender-sensitive way, within the new generation of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs).

The overall development objective of the programme is to contribute to the reduction of poverty and to enhance progress towards meeting MDGs through the elimination of all forms of contemporary forced labour.

The aims are:

  • Building a global alliance and defining clearer partnerships with IFIs and social partners
  • Incorporating the eradication of forced labour as priority in DWCPs, UNDAFs and PRSs
  • Enhancing the knowledge base and global monitoring on forced labour/trafficking
  • Strengthening the capacity of ILO constituents and other stakeholders to eliminate forced labour


General Objectives

The programme has the following immediate objectives:

  • Enhance the ILO’s capacity to lead international efforts to eradicate forced by building a global alliance and defining clearer partnerships with IFIs and social partners;
  • Enhance the ILO’s capacity at global and field levels to incorporate forced labour as priority within DWCPs, UNDAFs and PRSs;
  • Enhance the ILO’s knowledge base on forced labour and trafficking as well as to support global/national efforts to carry out better data collection and to monitor progress in this field; and
  • Enhance the ILO’s ability to support governments, social partners and other stakeholders to implement national laws and policies against forced labour and trafficking.

Specific objectives

Some specific objectives have been set for the first phase:

  • Capacity building for employers’ and workers’ organizations
  • Assistance to governments (national action plans, and other implementation mechanisms against forced labour)
  • Action-oriented research (thematic and country level)
  • Data collection and national estimates of forced labour
  • Capacity building for labour inspectors
  • Communications and media