Publications on Equality and discrimination

November 2010

  1. Publication

    The KwaZulu Natal tourism sector: Selected Perspectives on the Enabling Environment for Women's Entrepreneurs

    15 November 2010

    Assessment Report

August 2010

  1. Publication

    Small premiums, long-term benefits: Why poor women need microinsurance

    01 August 2010

    Microinsurance coverage is an important safety net for households in developing countries, providing a tool to protect productive assets. For poor women, however, coverage can be even more critical.

  2. Publication

    Paving a way out of poverty for people with intellectual disabilities

    01 August 2010

    Millions of people with intellectual disabilities and their families are inordinately affected by poverty and social and economic exclusion. In March 2010, the ILO–Irish Aid Partnership Programme gathered representatives from several East African countries, Australia and the United Kingdom at a three-day conference in Lusaka, Zambia to explore opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to train and work alongside non-disabled workers in their communities, thereby paving a way out of poverty.

June 2010

  1. Publication

    Gender Mainstreaming in Local Economic Development Strategies : A guide

    04 June 2010

May 2010

  1. Publication

    Achieving Millennium Development Goal 5 through Decent Work

    01 May 2010

    For the first time in decades, encouraging progress has been made towards Millennium Development Goal 5 (MDG 5), with global maternal mortality rates having fallen by nearly 35 per cent. However, among low-income countries with longstanding high maternal death rates, progress varied considerably and only 23 countries are on track to achieve a 75 per cent decrease in maternal deaths by 2015. Stronger commitments and better cooperation between UN agencies, governments and other development partners are needed to broadly achieve MDG 5.

April 2010

  1. Publication

    Maternity at work: A review of national legislation. Second edition

    30 April 2010

    This global report updates the current knowledge of the status and progress of maternity legislation around the world, providing a comprehensive review of national legislative provisions for maternity protection in 167 member States, with a particular focus on how well countries' provisions conform to the ILO Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 (No. 183), and its accompanying Recommendation (No. 191).

  2. Publication

    Joint WHO/ILO policy guidelines on improving health worker access to prevention, treatment and care services for HIV and TB

    28 April 2010

    The primary purpose of these guidelines is to draw together previously developed clinical and policy guidelines, along with recent evidence, into a coherent set of recommendations that aim to provide improved access of health workers to HIV and TB services.

  3. Publication

    Monitoring Indigenous and Tribal Peoples’ Rights through ILO Conventions _ A compilation of ILO Supervisory Bodies’ Comments 2009-2010

    01 April 2010

    The implementation of all ILO Conventions is monitored by the ILO supervisory bodies. This allows a continuous dialogue to take place between the Organization and the Governments concerned with the involvement of employers’ and workers’ organizations (trade unions), with a view to strengthening the implementation of these Conventions. The aim of the present publication is to present some of the most recent comments adopted by the ILO supervisory bodies concerning indigenous and tribal peoples. They are preceded by a brief introduction to the ILO supervisory mechanisms.

March 2010

  1. Publication

    Women in labour markets: Measuring progress and identifying challenges

    05 March 2010

    This report uses labour market indicators to measure progress or lack of progress towards the goal of gender equality in the world of work and identify where and why blockages to labour market equity continue to exist.

January 2010

  1. Publication

    The fundamentals of labour administration

    28 January 2010

    A well-coordinated, professional and efficient labour administration machinery is essential to the effective governance of the labour market. This book will be an invaluable resource for labour administrators, labour inspectors, conciliators, employment service officials, governments, workers, employers, researchers and professionals.