Discussion guide on Global Supply Chains

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.
  1. Which are the principal global supply chains in which your country is involved, as a producer, as a buyer, or as an intermediary participant?

  2. Has government strengthened labour administration and labour inspection systems in order to ensure full compliance with labour laws and regulations?

  3. Does government actively promote social dialogue at all levels and the realization of fundamental principles and rights at work for all workers, regardless of their employment status, including in Export Processing Zones (EPZs)?

  4. Does government stimulate transparency and encourage that enterprises report on due diligence within their supply chains?

  5. Does government include fundamental principles and rights at work in bilateral or multilateral trade agreements?

  6. Does government implement measures to improve working conditions for workers in global supply chains, in the areas of wages, working time and occupational safety and health?

  7. Does government cooperate through regional bodies to harmonize laws and practices and/or improve policy coherence among countries, in order to ensure decent work in global supply chains?

  8. Are the workers’ and employers' organizations actively involved in maintaining labour rights and decent working conditions, as well as enhancing productivity and competitiveness, in the global supply chains in which your country is involved?
Most questions are derived from paragraph 16 of the conclusions of the ILO general discussion on global supply chains (45).

45. ILC. Resolution concerning decent work in global supply chains. Geneva : ILO, 2016.