Discussion guide on Active Labour Market Policies

Discussion forum | 06 June 2017
Download the discussion guide in Excel format, fill-in and then send to decentwork@ilo.org

Tip: the discussion should first establish the factual basis and then consider the actual implementation of the respective policies and actions.

  1. Does the national development plan, national employment policy or labour market policy of your country include ALMPs such as:
    1. the establishment, strengthening and modernization of public employment services?
    2. employment-intensive public works or public employment programmes?
    3. wage subsidies, hiring subsidies?
    4. self-employment and entrepreneurship support?
    5. Skills development and technical and vocational training including work experience for the unemployed and other jobseekers?
    6. employment promotion programmes for specific population groups (indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, migrant workers, members of demobilized armed forces, unemployed youths, rural women and those in the informal economy, etc.)?

  2. Does the national budget for the current/future financial year include allocations earmarked for ALMPs?

  3. Does the UNDAF of your country include elements of ALMPs?

  4. Do your country’s principal development partners prioritize ALMPs?
  5. In case ALMPs have been implemented in the past in your country?
    1. How many jobs were created?
    2. Have the programmes been evaluated?
    3. Did the programmes apply international labour standards?
    4. Did the programmes involve social partners?