Employment working papers

  1. Publication

    Does work-based learning facilitate transitions to decent work?

    Paul Comyn and Laura Brewer

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 242

  2. Publication

    The regulation of internships: A comparative study

    Andrew Stewart, Rosemary Owens, Anne Hewitt, Irene Nikoloudakis

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 240

  3. Publication

    Employment and growth in Indonesia (1990–2015)

    Majid Nomaan, Sarma Nayantara

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 239

  4. Publication

    Rethinking macroeconomic policies for full employment and inclusive growth: Some elements

    Aurelio Parisotto, Nikhil Ray

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 238

  5. Publication

    Good practices in using partnerships for effective and efficient delivery of employment services in India

    Vinoj Abraham, S.K. Sasikumar

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 233

  6. Publication

    Assessment of public employment services and active labour market policies in Rwanda

    Michael Mwasikakata

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 232

  7. Publication

    Assessment of public employment services and active labour market policies in Namibia

    Michael Mwasikakata, Pedro Martins

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 231

  8. Publication

    Good practices in using partnerships for the delivery of employment services in China

    Zulum Avila, Guangzhe Tian

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 229

  9. Publication

    Dependent self-employment: Trends, challenges and policy responses in the EU

    Colin C Williams, Frédéric Lapeyre

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 228

  10. Publication

    Mainstreaming green job issues into national employment policies and implementation plans: A review

    Kees van der Ree

    EMPLOYMENT Working Paper No. 227