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137th Session,

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Judgment No. Organization acronym Extracts Full text
The complainant, who was the subject of an investigation into allegations of harassment and abuse of authority, alleges that she received no reply, within the sixty-day time limit, to the claim submitted to the Director-General regarding “multiple conflicts of interest” of the Internal Oversight Service.
The complainant, a former staff member of Interpol whose fixed-term appointment was terminated during the probationary period due to unsatisfactory performance, asks the Tribunal to order his reinstatement or to award him compensation.
4812 WHO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant requests moral and material damages for the harm she allegedly suffered as a result of her supervisor’s behaviour and the unduly extended length of time of the investigation.
4811 FAO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant, widow and successor of a former consultant for the FAO, who died while on official travel on the Organization’s behalf, impugns the Director-General’s decision dismissing her internal appeal against the decision informing her that the incident leading to her husband’s death had not been recognised as attributable to the performance of official duties and that she therefore was not entitled to claim compensation.
4810 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to reclassify his post.
4809 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant seeks a contractual redefinition of his employment relationship and the setting aside of the decision not to renew his last contract.
4808 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the outcome of the investigation procedure conducted in respect of her harassment grievance and the resulting lack of compensation.
4807 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests the report of the Medical Committee which extended her sick leave until 31 May 2016 and concluded that she was not suffering from invalidity.
4806 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant, acting in his capacity as staff representative at the material time, challenges the appointment of the Principal Director of Human Resources.
4805 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests Circular No. 359 on the European Patent Office closure policy in 2015.
4804 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant impugns the decision to reject his appeal seeking, in the main, moral damages for breach of confidentiality and defamation.
4803 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests amendments made to the procedure for adjusting remuneration as reflected in his payslips.
4802 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests the European Parent Office closure policy in 2015 and 2016.
4801 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the appointment of the Principal Director of Human Resources.
4800 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the rejection of her requests for special leave for very serious illness of a child.
4799 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests, firstly, the decision to reassign him pursuant to the closure of his area of competence in Berlin, and to reallocate some patent files, secondly, the decision to reallocate some patent files in the context of his reassignment and, thirdly, the closure of an area of competence per se.
4798 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant contests the closure of an area of competence in the Berlin sub-office, and her reassignment.
4797 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainants challenge the modifications made to the procedure for examining patent applications and contest the validity of the internal appeal proceedings.
4796 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to deduct from the amount of the education allowance paid in respect of his child the remuneration received by the latter during an internship.
4795 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges his performance evaluation report for 2018.

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Last updated: 03.08.2024 ^ top