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131st Session,

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Judgment No. Organization acronym Extracts Full text
4400 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant, a former official of the International Labour Office, impugns the decisions of the Director-General to issue a reprimand against him, to revoke his appointment as a Director, to appoint another person to that post and, finally, to discharge him with notice.
4399 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to transfer him from a manager position to a non-managerial post.
4398 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the rejection of her claim for a second payment of the lump sum paid in the event of death or permanent invalidity under Article 84(1)b) of the Service Regulations.
4397 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to transfer her.
4396 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to reimburse him the notary fees which he incurred for the certification of his signature on the annual declaration required for recipients of an invalidity allowance.
4395 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the amount of compensation awarded to him for the cessation of his shift work activities following a reorganisation.
4394 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainants challenge the decision deriving from the Administrative Council’s decision CA/D 2/15 to require the recipients of the new retirement pension for health reasons to cease performing gainful activities or employment or to refrain from performing such activities or employment.
4393 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the reduction in his total net remuneration following his promotion to a higher grade arguing that it constitutes a breach of Article 49(13) of the Service Regulations.
4392 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to withdraw the disciplinary sanction of reprimand and remove it from her personal file.
4391 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to promote him in the 2008 promotion exercise.
4390 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant seeks compensation for alleged delays in the processing of his request to transfer previously acquired pension rights to the EPO’s pension scheme.
4389 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to reimburse in full the costs he incurred in the internal appeal proceedings.
IFAD filed an application for interpretation of Judgments 4341 and 4342.
The complainants filed applications for execution of Judgment 4155.
4386 WHO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant alleges that WHO failed to take a decision on her formal harassment complaint within the sixty-day period provided for in Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Tribunal’s Statute.
4385 EPO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainants are permanent employees of the European Patent Office who challenge a general decision concerning tax adjustment.
4384 ILO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to reclassify his post.
The complainant challenges the decision to impose on her a performance improvement plan (PIP).
The complainant challenges the Secretary General’s decisions to set aside her 2016 performance appraisal only on the basis that it was procedurally flawed, and to insert in her personnel file the impugned decision and the report of the Appeals Commission.
4381 FAO EN, FR EN, FR
The complainant challenges the changes made with respect to her salary.

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Last updated: 24.09.2024 ^ top