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Prosperity [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00960
Nombre del buque:Prosperity [disputed]
No. OMI:8864335
Puerto de abandono:Taiwan
Fecha de abandono:1 Febrero 2024
Fecha de notificación:29 Abril 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:8
Nacionalidades:China (1); Myanmar(7)
Circunstancias:P&I : Unknown

Type : General Cargo

Only 7 seafarers have requested assistance

Outstanding wages of 5 months
Acciones tomadas:25 Abril 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owners, flag state, port state and PSC
Estado de la repatriación:29 Abril 2024: Other
Repatriation pending for 3 crew

23 Julio 2024: Repatriated
Repatriated 3 crew in June 2024
Estado del pago:29 Abril 2024: Payment Pending

23 Julio 2024: Partially paid
The owner paid 3 crew in June 2024 and paid the remaining 5 crew till the end of May 2024
June salaries remain outstanding for the 5 crew

12 Agosto 2024: Partially paid
The owner paid 4 Myanmar crew to the end of June 2024 on 26th August 2024. The wages for July and August have not yet been paid.

14 Agosto 2024: Partially paid
The wages for June and July have not yet been paid. Awaiting PSC second inspection.
Comentarios y observaciones:Mongolia (17 Mayo 2024)
The Administration is fully aware of this situation and have already communicated with the shipowner of the Mongolian-flagged general cargo ship Prosperity (IMO 8864335) and the relevant parties involved. Prosperity is currently docked at the port of Taiwan. The Administration informed the PSC officer Mr. Wang, Chun-Yao to not release this vessel until the shipowner fulfills its obligation under the MLC, 2006 by promptly settling the outstanding salary matters and repatriating crew members to their home countries.

We will communicate with you and other pertinent parties promptly.

China (20 Mayo 2024)
We acknowledge receipt of your email regarding the request for information on the vessel PROSPERITY (IMO 8864335).
We are currently verifying the information with the relevant departments. Thank you for your patience.

Myanmar (20 Mayo 2024)
We're facing an urgent matter involving Myanmar seafarers aboard the vessel Prosperity (IMO: 8864335). The ship was abandoned in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on 1st February 2024, leaving seven Myanmar seafarers with unpaid wages. We still need essential information such as their names, passport numbers, and SIRB numbers, to avoid hindering our efforts to resolve the issue with relevant SRPS companies in Myanmar. Your assistance in providing any additional information if you have would be greatly appreciated to take prompt action for the affected seafarers.
In the meantime, we would also try to contact local maritime authorities in this regard.

Mongolia (22 Mayo 2024)
The Administration received a confirmation from the owner that they will pay all outstanding salaries next Monday. I will engage in further discussion with the owner regarding repatration and obtain their final confirmation on the salary issue. We will follow up this case daily.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (23 Julio 2024)
The owner paid and repatriated 3 crew in June 2024 and paid the remaining 5 crew till the end of May 2024.
June salaries remain outstanding for the 5 crew.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (14 Agosto 2024)
The wages for June and July have not yet been paid. Awaiting PSC second inspection.

Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF) (12 Septiembre 2024)
The owner paid 4 Myanmar crew to the end of June 2024 on 26th August 2024. The wages for July and August have not yet been paid

Entered: Martes - 23 Julio 2024 15:06:46
Última actualización: Viernes - 13 Septiembre 2024 16:36:17
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