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Jetmax 2


Abandonment ID: 01007
Nombre del buque:Jetmax 2
No. OMI:9006447
Puerto de abandono:Kartal, Turkiye
Fecha de abandono:20 Junio 2024
Fecha de notificación:25 Junio 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:Fed. Int. de los Trabajadores del Trasporte (ITF)
No. de marinos:8
Nacionalidades:Azerbaiyán(3); India(3); Türkiye(2)
Circunstancias:Financial Security Provider: Islamic P&I Club

Type: General Cargo

More than 2 months of unpaid wages for 6 crew

Acciones tomadas:21 Junio 2024: Flag State informed
Contacted the owner, flag state and P&I
Estado de la repatriación:25 Junio 2024: Other
Estado del pago:25 Junio 2024: Payment Pending
Comentarios y observaciones:Azerbaiyán (11 Julio 2024)
I am writing with regards to abandoned general cargo ship “Jetmax 2”. As there are 3 Azerbaijani citizens on the ship, we had already informed our consulate in Istanbul, Türkiye. However, in the ITF report there was not any contact information of the crew. We would like ask if you have any contact detail (phone number) or can you help us to get this information, so we can pass it to our consulate.

Otro (12 Julio 2024)
From Vanuatu Maritime Services Ltd.

Attached crew acknowledgement of wage payment and the email from owners resolving the wage dispute aboard both vessels JETMAX 2 and 5

Entered: Jueves - 11 Julio 2024 14:05:48
Última actualización: Lunes - 15 Julio 2024 16:15:47
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En colaboración con la Organización Marítima Internacional