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Zulu AJ [disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00983
Ship name:Zulu AJ [disputed]
7-digit IMO no.:8315449
Port of abandonment:Santo Domingo anchorage, Dominican Republic
Abandonment date:1 April 2024
Notification date:30 May 2024
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:7
Circumstances:P&I: Unknown

Type: General Cargo Ship

Crew have outstanding wages of at least 4 months
Actions taken:29 May 2024: Flag State informed
Vessel owners, Dominican Republic PSC authorities and Tanzanian flag administration have been informed. No reply has been received from any of them
Repatriation status:30 May 2024: Repatriation pending

12 September 2024: Other
3 crew members were repatriated on early June upon their request
Payment status:30 May 2024: Payment Pending

14 August 2024: Other
Crew have informed us that they have been paid, but we have not seen any evidence

12 September 2024: Other
No new evidence of owed wages has been received. Company representative (the DPA) has not provided any additional evidence of actual payment to each of the crew members for all owed wages month by month. Only document provided was a signed "payroll" for the month of June."
Comments and Observations:ITF (14 August 2024)
Crew have informed us that they have been paid, but we have not seen any evidence

ITF (12 September 2024)
3 crew members were repatriated on early June upon their request. No new evidence of owed wages has been received. Company representative (the DPA) has not provided any additional evidence of actual payment to each of the crew members for all owed wages month by month. Only document provided was a signed "payroll" for the month of June."

Entered: Wednesday - 21 August 2024 at 14:19:19
Last updated: Friday - 13 September 2024 at 17:21:52
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In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization