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Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 349, Mars 2008

Cas no 2171 (Suède) - Date de la plainte: 20-NOV. -01 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 288. The Committee last examined this case, which concerns a statutory amendment enabling workers to remain employed until the age of 67 and prohibiting negotiated clauses on compulsory early retirement, at its March 2007 session [see 344th Report, paras 203–206]. The Committee noted with deep regret that, despite its recommendation for a negotiated solution to be found in the near future with regard to the statutory amendment of collective agreement clauses on compulsory early retirement, no official meeting had taken place on this subject since February 2005, and once again strongly urged the Government to pursue in a meaningful manner negotiations with the social partners concerned so as to determine a solution acceptable to all concerned, particularly as regards the application of those agreements still in force, which are not in conformity with the statutory retirement age.
  2. 289. In a communication dated 3 September 2007, the Government states that in September 2006 a new government was appointed, and that it is in favour of the right to remain employed until the age of 67 and has no intention to amend the legislation that enables this, or to take any further action in this regard. The Government adds that it looks forward to continued constructive and open dialogue with the ILO in the years to come.
  3. 290. The Committee notes with deep regret that, in spite of its recommendation for a negotiated solution to be found in the near future with regard to the statutory amendment of collective agreement clauses on compulsory early retirement, the Government has declared its categoric intention not to take any further action in this respect. Recalling that more than six years have now elapsed since the filing of this complaint, the Committee once again strongly urges the Government to pursue in a meaningful manner negotiations with the social partners concerned so as to determine a solution acceptable to all concerned, particularly as regards the application of those agreements which may still be in force and which are not in conformity with the statutory retirement age. The Committee requests to be kept informed of all steps taken in this respect.
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