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Suites données aux recommandations du comité et du Conseil d’administration - Rapport No. 330, Mars 2003

Cas no 1854 (Inde) - Date de la plainte: 02-OCT. -95 - Clos

Afficher en : Francais - Espagnol

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body

Effect given to the recommendations of the Committee and the Governing Body
  1. 117. The Committee last examined this case at its June 2002 meeting [see 328th Report, paras. 48-49]. On that occasion, the Committee recalled that this very serious case concerning the murder of a trade unionist (Ms. Ahilya Devi) who was organizing rural workers, goes back to 1995, and requested the Government to provide it with the judgment of the District Session Court, Purnea, where trial was to begin soon on the accused (Messrs. Bhirigunath Gupta, Rattan Gosh, Papan Chaki and Narsingh Singh), as well as to keep it informed of developments concerning the arrest of the other two accused (Messrs. Shri Munna Punjabi, alias Jai Prakash and Shri Shrawan Giri) who had been declared absconding parties.
  2. 118. In communications dated 12 September 2002 and 3 and 10 January and 3 March 2003, the Government states that the hearing of the case was initially fixed for September 2002 and has been postponed on three occasions until 10 March 2003.
  3. 119. The Committee takes note of this information. The Committee notes with regret that judicial hearings on this very serious case have not taken place yet, eight years after the murder of Ms. Ahilya Devi. The Committee reminds the Government that justice delayed is justice denied and hopes that it will be in a position to report substantial progress in this case in the very near future. The Committee requests the Government to provide it with the judgment of the Court as soon as it is issued and to keep it informed of developments concerning the arrest of the two absconding parties.
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