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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2020, publiée 109ème session CIT (2021)

Convention (n° 122) sur la politique de l'emploi, 1964 - Sint-Maarten

Autre commentaire sur C122

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The Committee notes with concern that the Government’s report has not been received. It hopes that the next report will contain full information on the matters raised in its previous comments.
Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention. Implementation of an active employment policy. Youth employment. In its previous comments, the Committee invited the Government to provide information on the progress achieved in pursuing an active employment policy. The Government indicates in its report that the Department of Labour is responsible for the formulation and implementation of active labour market policies and laws and regulations that affect the local labour market, including measures in the area of employment services, labour market information, training and subsidized work targeting the unemployed and underemployed. Young persons aged 15 to 24 remain the group with the highest rates of unemployment, reaching 27.7 per cent in 2011 and 25.9 per cent in 2013. The Committee notes that young males aged 15 to 24 have higher rates of unemployment (28.2 per cent in 2013) than their female counterparts (23.5 per cent in the same year). In reply to the Committee’s previous comments, the Government indicates that it has launched a programme aimed at reducing youth unemployment, which includes: an assessment of the skills available on the labour market and the specific interests of young people; an assessment of the skills needed in the labour market (carried out in close collaboration with employers); provision of technical and life skills; and provision of on-the-job training opportunities as well as job placement services. The Government is undertaking to cover all labour costs of the participants (wages equal to the minimum wage, the employer’s contribution to social premiums and cessantia payments), thereby providing a financial incentive for employers to participate in the programme. The Committee further notes that a School-to-Work Survey was completed in 2014 with the objective of collecting key information required to develop a youth employment policy and advocate for youth training and skills-building programmes. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the programmes and measures adopted to ensure the implementation of an active employment policy, as required by the Convention, including, to the extent possible, statistical information disaggregated by age and sex. It also requests the Government to provide information on the impact of the programmes implemented to tackle youth unemployment and improve the situation of young persons in the labour market. The Committee further requests the Government to communicate information on the consultations held with the social partners in relation to the development and implementation of a youth employment policy.
Article 3. Consultations with the social partners. The Government indicates that efforts are being made to hold effective tripartite consultations within the national Tripartite Committee. In this regard, the social partners presented a document on an integrated approach to labour in Sint Maarten which set out specific goals aimed at improving the position of the Government, employers and workers, including: limitations on the use of short-term contracts; a reversal of the trend to outsource labour; easier access to bank loans; better placement opportunities for residents and citizens of Sint Maarten; better educated people to meet labour market needs; and a school system compatible with the labour market. The Government also indicates that discussions with the social partners have focused on labour law reforms which will provide a holistic plan of action regarding necessary measures for the labour market. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the consultations held with the representatives of employers’ and workers’ organizations concerning the formulation and implementation of an active employment policy. It also requests the Government to provide information on all activities and consultations held within the Tripartite Committee on the matters covered by the Convention.
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