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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2015, publiée 105ème session CIT (2016)

Convention (n° 88) sur le service de l'emploi, 1948 - Japon (Ratification: 1953)

Autre commentaire sur C088

  1. 2023
  2. 2015
  3. 2010
  4. 2008
  5. 2005

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The Committee notes the observations of the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (JTUC–RENGO) communicated with the Government’s report.
Articles 1, 2, 3 and 11 of the Convention. Contribution of the employment service to employment promotion. The Committee notes the Government’s indication that initiatives have been taken for the strengthening of the labour market with the national and local governments and private sector working together. It adds that government plays a key role of providing a safety net for the guarantee of the right to work throughout the country by the following means: (a) job placement through the national network of the Public Employment Security Offices; (b) management of the unemployment insurance system; and (c) operation of employment measures. Moreover, the Government indicates that the public employment service and private employment agencies will exert a synergistic effect by establishing a complementary relationship as they have their own roles to play and their own strengths. The Committee notes from the report that, as of 31 May 2015, there were 436 Public Employment Security Offices, 95 branch offices and 13 local offices throughout the country. The Committee requests the Government to provide information on the impact and effectiveness of the activities carried out by the employment service. It also requests the Government to provide more detailed information on the manner in which the synergies between the public employment service and private employment agencies are ensured. Please also continue to provide information on the number of public employment offices established, the number of employment applications received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed in employment by the offices.
Articles 4 and 5. Participation of the social partners. In its observations, JTUC–RENGO indicates that, while the Government makes decisions on overarching policies and frameworks on important items concerning employment and labour in committees in which no workers’ representatives participate, the deliberations in the tripartite Labour Policy Council are carried out only within the scope of putting into practice the overarching policies and frameworks that have already been decided. In its response, the Government indicates that, whether discussions are previously held in other bodies or not, the Labour Policy Council considers all angles of important matters of labour policies. The Committee notes from the report the matters that were discussed in tripartite bodies, including the Labour Policy Council, in the 2010–15 period. The Committee requests the Government to continue to provide information on the contributions made by the social partners within the Labour Policy Council or any other tripartite body in the formulation of recommendations on matters related to the Convention.
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