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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2015, publiée 105ème session CIT (2016)

Convention (n° 144) sur les consultations tripartites relatives aux normes internationales du travail, 1976 - Sint-Maarten

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 1 of the Convention. Representative organizations. The Committee notes the detailed information provided in the Government’s first and second reports on the application of the Convention. It notes that the Tripartite Committee is composed of nine members with the Government, employers’ organizations and workers’ organizations represented by three members each. The Committee requests the Government to identify the representative organizations in the Tripartite Committee which are consulted on matters concerning international labour standards.
Article 5. Effective tripartite consultations. The Committee notes that the Code of Order of the Tripartite Committee, adopted pursuant to the Regulation of the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labour of 30 September 2011 establishing the Tripartite Committee, includes detailed information on the functioning of the meetings of the Tripartite Committee, including the ILO Subcommittee. The Government indicates that the task of the Tripartite Committee is to serve as a consultation organ as it relates to the topics concerning international labour standards covered by Article 5(1) of the Convention. It adds that meetings of the Tripartite Committee are regularly convened. The Committee requests the Government to provide detailed information on the content and outcome of the tripartite consultations held on the matters covered by Article 5(1) of the Convention.
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