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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2011, publiée 101ème session CIT (2012)

Convention (n° 129) sur l'inspection du travail (agriculture), 1969 - Uruguay (Ratification: 1973)

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that the Government’s report does not reply to some of its previous comments. The Committee hopes that information will be supplied for examination by the Committee at its next session on the following matters raised in its previous direct request:
Article 9(3). Training of labour inspectors in agriculture in the course of their employment. The Government points out the joint participation of work environment professionals, magistrates and representatives of the General Inspectorate of Labour and Social Security (IGTSS) in days devoted to examining the issue of limiting the working day of forestry workers. The Committee notes this information and once again requests the Government to provide further information on the participation of labour inspectors in agriculture in the various regions of the country in training sessions on risk prevention in the forestry sector.
Article 12(1). Cooperation between the labour inspection services and other government services with a view to preventing risks in the agricultural sector. Further to its previous comments, the Committee once again requests the Government to provide the comprehensive report mentioned in its 2007 report on risk identification and preventive measures in stock raising.
Article 17. Association of labour inspectors with the preventive control of agricultural undertakings. The Committee once again requests the Government to ensure that the competent authority determines the cases and the conditions in which inspectors are to be associated in the preventive control of new plant, new materials or substances and new methods of handling or processing products which appear likely to constitute a threat to health or safety. It requests it to keep the ILO informed of any developments in this regard and to provide a copy of any relevant texts or documentation.
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