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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2010, publiée 100ème session CIT (2011)

Convention (n° 160) sur les statistiques du travail, 1985 - Australie (Ratification: 1987)

Autre commentaire sur C160

Demande directe
  1. 2014
  2. 2010
  3. 2004
  4. 2000
  5. 1995
  6. 1993
  7. 1991

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee takes note of the Government’s report received on 23 September 2009, which contains information in reply to its previous comments, as well as of the information made available through Government’s websites.

Article 9 of the Convention. In respect to the implementation of this Article, the Committee draws to the attention of the Government to the new international standards concerning the measurement of working time, (see Resolution I, adopted by the 18th International Conference of Labour Statisticians at
Name--WCMS_112455/index.htm, whose larger number of concepts and measures would seem to be better aligned with national practice).

Article 13. Statistics of household expenditure. The Committee notes with interest that, according to the detailed explanation of the structure and the changes in the household income and expenditure survey programme, provided by the Government in reply to its previous direct request, this provision continues to be fully applied.

Article 14. Statistics of occupational injuries. The Committee notes with interest the progress made regarding the coverage of the statistics on occupational injuries and diseases and would be grateful if the Government would keep the ILO informed of any further developments in statistics on occupational injuries and of progress to extend the coverage of categories of occupational diseases.

Article 15. Statistics of industrial disputes. Referring to its 2000 comments in this regard, the Committee takes note of the information that the review of the statistics on labour disputes mentioned in the Government’s 1999 report, was undertaken, that the resultant changes are incorporated in Industrial Disputes, Australia (cat. No. 6321.0.55.001) and the statistics were collected monthly and published on a quarterly basis. The Government also refers to changes including updates to the classification of dispute causes and reasons work resumed. It supplies in addition, information from the South Australian Government that data is collected and incorporated into Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reports from all States and Territories, including South Australia, on industrial relations statistics. The Committee notes with interest the progress made regarding the review of the statistics of industrial disputes, and reporting thereof, as well as the efforts made to improve the collection and coverage of these statistics. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would keep the ILO informed in due course of any steps taken to extend the national definitions to all characteristics recommended by the international statistical standards.

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