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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2010, publiée 100ème session CIT (2011)

Convention (n° 88) sur le service de l'emploi, 1948 - Saint-Marin (Ratification: 1985)

Autre commentaire sur C088

  1. 2009
  2. 2008
  3. 2007

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the replies provided in the Government’s detailed report received in June 2010. It notes the adoption of Act No. 131 of 2005 which has provided for the establishment of the tripartite Labour Commission. The Government indicates that the Labour Commission is in charge of the cooperation among representatives of workers and employers as regards the organization and operation of the employment service. According to section 2 of Act No. 131 of 2005, the Labour Commission also undertakes continuous consultations on employment and vocational training policies and monitors and implements these policies. The Committee invites the Government to include in its next report updated information on measures taken to strengthen and expand its Labour Office.

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