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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2006, publiée 96ème session CIT (2007)

Convention (n° 111) concernant la discrimination (emploi et profession), 1958 - Lettonie (Ratification: 1992)

Autre commentaire sur C111

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1. Discrimination based on national extraction. The Committee notes that the Government’s report does not contain any information in reply to its previous comments concerning the application of the State Language Law and its implementing regulations with regard to access to employment and occupation, and the need to promote equal employment opportunities for all ethnic and linguistic minority groups. The Committee, therefore, urges the Government to provide in its next report information on the application of the State Language Law and its implementing regulations, including information on any measures taken to assess the impact of these measures on the employment opportunities of ethnic minority groups, and information on any relevant administrative and judicial decisions and sanctions imposed for violations of its provisions. It also reiterates its request to the Government to provide information on the efforts made to promote equal employment opportunities of these groups, including through language training.

2. Discrimination based on political opinion. The Committee notes that once again the Government has failed to provide any information requested by the Committee concerning certain provisions of the national legislation that amount to or may result in discrimination based on political opinion with regard to access to public service employment (section 7(8) of the State Civil Service Act, 2000, and section 28 of the Act on Police, 1999). The Committee, therefore, urges the Government to provide in its next report indications as to the number of persons who have been dismissed or excluded from being candidates for employment in the civil service and the police on the basis of these provisions, as well as any administrative or judicial decisions issued in cases where affected persons have appealed against their exclusion or dismissal.

3. In its previous comments the Committee noted that under section 8(9) of the State Civil Service Act, it is a mandatory requirement to qualify as a candidate for a civil service position that the person concerned is not or has not been a participant in organizations prohibited by law or judicial decision. The Committee urges the Government once again to provide information on the application of this provision, including the requirements for the prohibition of organizations, a list of all prohibited organizations, as well as indications as to the number of persons that have been excluded from being a candidate for a civil service position based on section 8(9) of the State Civil Service Act.

The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government on other matters.

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