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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2006, publiée 96ème session CIT (2007)

Convention (n° 96) sur les bureaux de placement payants (révisée), 1949 - Eswatini (Ratification: 1981)

Autre commentaire sur C096

Demande directe
  1. 2014
  2. 1999
  3. 1998
  4. 1992
  5. 1988

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

In relation to the comments made since the ratification of the Convention, the Committee notes a brief statement contained in a report received in April 2006 indicating that there has been no change in the application of the Convention. The report further indicates that Employment Act No. 5 of 1980 is currently under review with the technical assistance of the ILO. The Committee asks the Government to include in its next report indications on the impact of the legislative review on the manner in which the Convention is applied, including, for instance, extracts from official reports, information regarding the number and nature of the contraventions reported and any other particulars bearing on the placement and recruitment of workers abroad (Part V of the report form). In this connection, the Committee recalls that the ILO Governing Body has invited the States parties to Convention No. 96 to contemplate ratifying, as appropriate, the Private Employment Agencies Convention, 1997 (No. 181), which would involve the immediate denunciation of Convention No. 96 (document GB.273/LILS/4(Rev.1), 273rd Session, Geneva, November 1998). The Committee invites the Government to keep it informed of any developments that, in consultation with the social partners, might occur in relation to ratifying Convention No. 181.

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