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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2004, publiée 93ème session CIT (2005)

Convention (n° 81) sur l'inspection du travail, 1947 - Emirats arabes unis (Ratification: 1982)

Autre commentaire sur C081

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes with interest the developments that occurred in relation to the application of the Convention during the period ending May 2003.

1. Powers of inspectors to have measures adopted to protect workers against occupational risks. The Committee notes that, under the terms of Order No. 851/2001, labour inspectors are empowered, in accordance with Article 13 of the Convention, to have a workplace closed by the competent authority where the safety of the workers is under threat, and to have such a measure raised where the conditions justifying its adoption have been rectified.

2. Adequacy of penalties for violations of the legal provisions covered by the Convention (Article 18). The Committee notes that, with a view to inciting employers to comply more fully with their legal obligations, especially in relation to workers, penalties of imprisonment and fines have also been established in the Schedule annexed to the above Order.

3. Training of labour inspectors and prospects for the strengthening of the human and material resources of the labour inspection services. The Committee notes that many labour inspectors in the interior of the country, and also in Bahrain and Damas, have benefited from various training courses to reinforce their technical and psychological skills with a view to discharging their duties more effectively and that measures are being taken to increase the staff and the logistical, material and teaching resources of the inspection services.

The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government on certain matters.

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