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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2002, publiée 91ème session CIT (2003)

Convention (n° 103) sur la protection de la maternité (révisée), 1952 - Uruguay (Ratification: 1954)

Autre commentaire sur C103

  1. 2005
  2. 2003
Demande directe
  1. 2019
  2. 2013
  3. 2008
  4. 2005
  5. 2002
  6. 2000
  7. 1994
  8. 1990

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee takes note of the observations made by the PIT-CNT (Plenario Intersindical de Trabajadores - Convención Nacional de Trabajadores) on the Government’s report, which were received on 14 October 2002. The Committee has decided to postpone its examination of them and of the information contained in the Government’s report in reply to its previous direct request, until its next session. In this connection, the Committee reminds the Government that it may provide information on the PIT-CNT’s comments.

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