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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2001, publiée 90ème session CIT (2002)

Convention (n° 171) sur le travail de nuit, 1990 - Portugal (Ratification: 1995)

Autre commentaire sur C171

  1. 2001

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the Government’s report and the detailed information it contains in reply to the previous direct request. The Committee notes with satisfaction the adoption of Legislative Decree No. 96/99 of 23 March 1999 amending the definition of night work, and Act No. 73/98 of 10 November 1998 concerning certain aspects of working time arrangements and incorporating Directive No. 93/104/CE of 23 November 1993 of the Council of the European Union. The above texts give effect to the provisions of this Convention.

The Committee is addressing a request directly to the Government about other matters.

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