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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2001, publiée 90ème session CIT (2002)

Convention (n° 122) sur la politique de l'emploi, 1964 - Sénégal (Ratification: 1966)

Autre commentaire sur C122

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The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report received in September 2000.

The Committee notes that the labour force is increasing by about 3.8 per cent per year. Growth is more intensive in urban areas due to migration. Due to the high unemployment and underemployment, the Government established a Committee to follow employment policy (CSPE) to elaborate and put in place innovative employment policies and strategies. The Government states that its employment policy, established in 1997, emphasizes a global and inter-sectoral approach with wide consultation. It is implemented through the five-year Action Plan (PAE). Priorities set out in the Plan include reorganizing multi-sectoral activities to employment promotion; supporting development of SMEs and aiding distressed enterprises; employment promotion in rural areas and the informal economy; and employment promotion for youth, women, disabled workers and migrants. Generally, the Government aims to improve labour market management, restructure the public employment placement service, and establish a labour market information system (SIME). Specific actions undertaken include completing a census of vacancies in February 1999, and signing a National Pact with employers on employment promotion for youth in April 2000. Please continue to supply detailed information on actions taken to carry out the PAE, and their impact on employment promotion.

The Committee also notes that Senegal participates in the ILO Jobs for Africa Programme, and that the Office has assisted in developing employment policy, the Action Plan and the National Pact with employers, and has provided input on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. The Committee requests that the Government provide information in its next report on actions taken, with assistance from the Office, concerning establishment of an employment policy within the framework of a coordinated economic and social policy, in consultation with those affected, and to indicate any particular difficulties encountered, in conformity with Articles 1, 2, and 3 of the Convention. Please also supply copies of reports, studies or inquiries, as well as detailed and disaggregated statistics, to facilitate the evaluation of the situation, level and trends and any other items which would illustrate how the employment policy objectives defined by the programmes established, in cooperation with the Office, for the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper have been attained.

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