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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 2001, publiée 90ème session CIT (2002)

Convention (n° 100) sur l'égalité de rémunération, 1951 - Chine (Ratification: 1990)

Autre commentaire sur C100

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the information contained in the Government’s report.

1. With regard to the decentralization of wage fixing, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that most enterprises have now adopted the post and skill wage system, which is a system for determining wages for specific jobs, under which remuneration is established on the basis of an objective appraisal of jobs based on: vocational skills, responsibilities, work intensity and working conditions. It notes that these appraisals have to be carried out jointly by the enterprise specialists and notes that the Government encourages enterprises to determine wage increases for their staff and workers independently through collective consultations. The Committee notes that the Government issues indicative labour market wage levels as a reference for enterprises. In this respect, the Committee reiterates its earlier comments that, since men and women tend to perform different jobs, it is essential to develop a method for objectively measuring the relative value of jobs with varying content in order to effectively eliminate discrimination in the remuneration of men and women workers. In order to determine whether the post and skill wage system in fact permits an objective evaluation of the relative value of the different jobs performed by men and women workers and the elimination of gender-based pay differentials, the Committee asks the Government once again to consider the possibility of undertaking an analysis of the actual situation of women as compared to men, in terms of their grading levels and remuneration and to provide information with its next report on the measures taken in this respect.

2. Recalling that Article 1(a) of the Convention defines remuneration broadly as the ordinary, basic or minimum wage or salary and any additional emoluments, the Committee recalls that in its last request it asked the Government to provide information as to whether the minimum wage includes housing and welfare benefits. The Committee reiterates its request to the Government to provide this information and also provide information on how the principle of equal remuneration is applied in relation to payments covered by the Interim Provisions on the Payment of Wages. In this respect, the Committee notes the Government’s statement that a mew minimum wage has been adopted and that specific standards are to be determined by provincial governments and adjusted once a year.

3. The Committee notes that the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is disseminating information of the legislation about equal remuneration and is monitoring its implementation. In this regard, the Committee asks the Government to provide information with its next report on the number of labour inspections carried out and the methods used in supervising the application of the provisions on equal pay, the number of violations reported and the action taken to remedy any discrepancies.

4. The Committee also recalls that in its previous comments it asked the Government to provide information on the activities carried out in the context of the Programme for the Development of Chinese Women (1995 2000), as well as information on any action taken in cooperation with the social partners to promote the principle of equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. Noting that the Government has not provided the requested information in this respect, the Committee asks it to provide this information with its next report.

5. The Committee reminds the Government of the need to provide sufficient information to enable it to assess the implementation of the Convention in practice. It therefore reiterates its request to the Government to provide statistical information disaggregated by sex, in accordance with the general observation of 1998 on the Convention.

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