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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 2000, publiée 89ème session CIT (2001)

Convention (n° 81) sur l'inspection du travail, 1947 - Türkiye (Ratification: 1951)

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The Committee notes the Government’s report for the period ending July 1999 which contains detailed information showing the progress in practical resources, numbers of labour inspectorate staff and activities in the sectors covered as well as the results. The Committee notes the annual inspection reports as well as the comments made by the Turkish Confederation of Employers’ Associations (TISK) and the Confederation of Trade Unions of Turkey (TÜRK-IŞ). Referring also to its observation in 1998 on the previous comments of these two organizations, and noting that the Government has not expressed its views on the questions raised in these comments, the Committee requests the Government to do so in its next report.

Labour inspection and child labour.  The Committee notes with interest the information concerning the progress in the project concerning the training of labour inspectors in the campaign against child labour in application of the Protocol signed at Ankara on 24 December 1996 in the framework of the agreement concluded with the IPEC programme in 1992. It notes in particular the considerable number of inspectors trained, as well as the organization established, and the technical and communication resources used for achieving the project objectives with the participation of trade unions, NGOs, the families of the children concerned and the institutions involved. Noting also with satisfaction the publication by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in June 2000 of a report on implementation of labour inspection policy on child labour in Turkey and referring to its 1999 general observation, the Committee expresses the hope that the Government will be able to supply information regularly on the evolution of the subject, to record in the near future a considerable decrease in clandestine child labour in general and a tangible improvement in compliance with the legal provisions concerning the protection of young workers in particular.

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