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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1998, publiée 87ème session CIT (1999)

Convention (n° 88) sur le service de l'emploi, 1948 - El Salvador (Ratification: 1995)

Autre commentaire sur C088

Demande directe
  1. 2015
  2. 2011
  3. 2006
  4. 1998

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the Government's first report on the application of the Convention and the report received in May 1998. In its first report, the Government referred mainly to the provisions of the Act of 1996 concerning the organization and operation of the labour and social security sector without including all the information and data required by the report form in respect of the Convention. To enable the Committee to examine the effect given to the provisions of the Convention, the Committee requests the Government to provide the following information in its next report.

Article 1 of the Convention. Please indicate the manner in which the National Department of Employment and the Employment Administration and Placement Agency maintain or ensure a free employment service. Please specify the manner in which the best possible organization of the labour market is ensured, within the meaning of paragraph 2 of this provision.

Article 2. Please specify the powers and functions of the National Department of Employment responsible for the direction of the national system of employment offices.

Article 3. Please indicate the measures undertaken by the Employment Administration and Placement Agency and any other competent authority to establish and operate a sufficient number of employment offices to satisfy employers' and workers' needs. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would include a copy of the operating manual of the Employment Administration and Placement Agency to enable it to examine the effect given to paragraph 2 of this provision.

Articles 4 and 5. Please specify the agreements concluded and the national advisory committees created to obtain the cooperation of the representatives of employers' and workers' organizations in the organization and operation of the employment service. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would inform it of the recommendations made by the High Labour Council, referred to in the Government's report, in respect of the general employment service policy.

Article 6. The Committee notes that the National Department of Employment maintains a register of applicants seeking employment as well as where they are placed and their contracts. Please include other information, in respect of items (a)(ii), (iii) and (iv) and (b), to enable the Committee to assess the manner in which the employment service has been organized and the activities which it performs in order to carry out effectively the functions laid down in this Article.

Article 8. Please provide detailed information in respect of the special measures adopted for juveniles within the framework of the employment and vocational guidance services.

Article 9. The Committee notes that state employees are protected by the Act respecting the civil service. Please provide precise information in respect of the legal situation, the conditions of work, the methods of recruitment and selection of staff of the employment service and indicate the measures adopted to ensure that office employment staff are adequately trained.

Article 10. Please provide information on the measures adopted and the results obtained to encourage full use of the employment services by employers and workers on a voluntary basis.

Points III and IV of the report form. Please provide information on the system of inspection, if any, on the organization and operation of the public employment offices. Please also provide statistical information concerning the number of public employment offices established, the number of applications for employment received, the number of vacancies notified and the number of persons placed in employment for the offices in the country.

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