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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1998, publiée 87ème session CIT (1999)

Convention (n° 87) sur la liberté syndicale et la protection du droit syndical, 1948 - Uruguay (Ratification: 1954)

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Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes that in the court ruling covering freedom of association attached by the Government to its report, it is stated that, in relation to a work stoppage, the employer made use of a notarial act with a view to allowing a worker to fulfil his right to work. Although the Committee takes into consideration the principle of the right to work, it expresses concern that the action of the employer in question may in practice exert undue pressure on strikers. In this respect, the Committee requests the Government to inform it whether there is any provision in the legislation which permits the employer to take such action in the event of a strike and how this is applied in practice in such a manner that it does not prejudice the exercise of the right to strike.

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