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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1995, publiée 82ème session CIT (1995)

Convention (n° 137) sur le travail dans les ports, 1973 - Egypte (Ratification: 1982)

Autre commentaire sur C137

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in reply to its previous comments.

Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Convention. The Committee notes the detailed description of the interpretation of the term "dockworkers" in national practice, as provided by the tripartite committee responsible for examining the ILO's maritime Conventions and replying to the comments made by the supervisory bodies. It would be grateful if the Government would indicate any processes envisaged for the revision of the definition of the terms "dockworkers" and "dock work" in the light of the new methods of cargo handling and their effect on the various types of work performed by dockworkers, in consultation with the organizations of employers and workers concerned, as provided for in this Article.

Article 5. The Committee notes the Government's statement that section 14 of the Act respecting workers' trade unions and sections 42 and 43 of Act No. 203 of 1991 on public sector companies provide for collaboration between the organizations of workers and employers to improve the efficiency of work and that these provisions are also applicable to trade union organizations representing dockworkers. As requested in the report form for the Convention, please describe in more detail the arrangements for cooperation between employers and their organizations and workers' organizations in improving the efficiency of work in ports, and the participation, if any, of the competent authorities in these arrangements. Please also indicate whether any measures have been taken to encourage further cooperation.

Point V of the report form. Please give a general appreciation of the manner in which the Convention is applied, including for instance extracts from reports and any information available on the numbers of dockworkers recorded in registers.

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