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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1995, publiée 82ème session CIT (1995)

Convention (n° 135) concernant les représentants des travailleurs, 1971 - Aruba

Autre commentaire sur C135

  1. 2009
  2. 2006

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the information in the Government's latest report that the Department of Labour is currently undertaking a complete revision of existing labour legislation and that it is considering requesting ILO assistance in this regard.

In its previous comments, the Committee had requested the Government to supply information on the content of collective agreements and on the regulations and practice of Aruba which protect workers' representatives in the undertaking against any act prejudicial to them, including dismissal, based on their status or activities as workers' representatives (Article 1 of the Convention). The Government was also requested to indicate the measures taken to ensure that facilities are afforded to workers' representatives, in both the private and public sectors, in order to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently (e.g. access of workers' representatives to all workplaces, access to the management, the posting of trade union notices, the distribution of trade union publications) (Article 2).

The Committee once again requests the Government to provide this information in its next report and to give consideration in the current legislative review to including specific provisions ensuring that workers' representatives are protected against any prejudicial acts based on their status or activities and that they are afforded appropriate facilities in the undertaking to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently, in the event that existing measures are inadequate.

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