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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1995, publiée 83ème session CIT (1996)

Convention (n° 111) concernant la discrimination (emploi et profession), 1958 - Bangladesh (Ratification: 1972)

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1. The Committee refers to its previous comments in which it had noted that the upper age limit for women to enter employment in government, semi-government, autonomous and nationalized establishments had been raised to 30 years (by the Ministry of Establishment Order No. R1/S-22/85-220(150) of 29 October 1985). The Committee had asked the Government to provide information on the impact this measure was having on women's employment in such establishments. The Government had also been asked to indicate whether upper age limits were imposed in other sectors of the economy; and, if so, to provide copies of any pertinent regulations or rules. The Committee notes the data provided concerning the number of civil officers and staff of the Government, disaggregated by sex, for 1992. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide similar information for the succeeding years, so as to enable an assessment of the trend of women's employment. It again asks the Government to indicate, in its next report, whether a maximum age limit for the recruitment of women is fixed for sectors of the economy other than those covered by the above-mentioned Order.

2. The Committee has also noted that the above-mentioned Order of the Ministry of Establishment set the maximum age limit for tribal candidates in government-controlled organizations at 30 years. It requests the Government to indicate the impact of this measure by providing detailed information on the extent to which persons from tribal communities are employed in these organizations. Please also provide information on the measures taken to ensure that representatives of tribal communities are accorded equal opportunity and treatment in employment, including data concerning their participation in decision-making positions.

3. The Committee notes the recommendations of the Minimum Wage Board relating to a number of industries furnished by the Government. As requested previously, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide information on the conditions of employment in the nationalized plantations and on the measures taken, especially in consultation with employers' and workers' organizations, to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment on all of the grounds of the Convention for workers in that sector and in other industries.

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