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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 3) sur la protection de la maternité, 1919 - Guinée (Ratification: 1966)

Autre commentaire sur C003

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 3(c) of the Convention. With reference to its previous comments concerning section 12 of Decree No. 2263/MT of 9 April 1982, which provides that the supplement paid by the employer to sickness benefit shall be gradually assumed by the National Social Security Fund, the Committee notes the Government's statement to the effect that, in practice, maternity benefits are provided entirely by the Fund and that this practice will be enshrined in law with the adoption in the very near future of the new Social Security Code. In this context, the Committee draws the Government's attention to the need to amend section 106(3) of the draft Social Security Code in order to give full effect to this provision of the Convention, which does not authorize maternity benefits to be charged directly to the employer, even partially. The Government is requested to indicate in its next report any progress achieved in this respect.

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