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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 159) sur la réadaptation professionnelle et l'emploi des personnes handicapées, 1983 - Egypte (Ratification: 1988)

Autre commentaire sur C159

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The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government in October 1992 and January 1993 in reply to its previous comments. In particular, it notes with interest the information on the establishment and development of occupational rehabilitation services for the disabled in rural areas and remote communities, and the statistics provided in accordance with Part V of the report form.

Article 1, paragraph 4, of the Convention. In its previous direct request, the Committee noted that section 1 of Act No. 39 of 1975 on the rehabilitation of the disabled, amended by Act No. 49 of 1982, provides that this law applies to foreigners resident in the country subject to reciprocity, whereas the Convention applies to all categories of disabled persons without any condition of reciprocity on the basis of nationality. The Government indicates in its report received in October 1992 that this provision of the national legislation is currently being examined with the Ministry of Social Affairs. In a later communication, received in January 1993, it states that no foreigner is excluded from access to the services of rehabilitation establishments, provided that he bears the costs. The Committee again expresses the hope that the Government will take the necessary measures to bring the national legislation into full conformity with the Convention on this point and that the next report will contain information to this effect.

Article 5. The Government indicates that representative employers' and workers' organizations are consulted on the implementation of the national policy on vocational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled by means of representation of the Ministry on the various councils and committees, including the Central Council for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the Committee for the Limitation of Handicaps. In addition, it indicates that contacts have been established with trade unions, the Egyptian Trade Union Confederation and the Chambers of Commerce, and that there is coordination in the implementation of policies on the rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. The Committee notes this information and would be grateful if the Government would provide more detailed information on the consultations held with workers' and employers' organizations during the period covered by the report and would state whether representative organizations of and for disabled persons were also consulted. It asks the Government to take account, in this connection, of the provisions contained in Part VI of Recommendation No. 168.

Article 7. The Committee notes from the Government's reply that an Occupational Assessment Centre has been established to determine the skills and capacities of disabled persons with a view to assisting them in their choice of a suitable occupation. The Government also indicates that efforts are currently under way, with the assistance of existing services, to make the necessary adaptations for the employment of the disabled. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information on the activities of the above-mentioned Centre in the area of occupational guidance and training and on the extent to which existing services for workers generally are used, with necessary adaptations.

Article 9. The Committee notes the general information supplied by the Government. It would be grateful if the Government would describe in more detail the measures taken to ensure that staff suitably qualified in vocational rehabilitation are available for the persons concerned. The Government may wish to refer, in this connection, to the provisions of Part V of Recommendation No. 168.

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