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Observation (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 121) sur les prestations en cas d'accidents du travail et de maladies professionnelles, 1964 [tableau I modifié en 1980] - Uruguay (Ratification: 1973)

Autre commentaire sur C121

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes with satisfaction the adoption of Act No. 16074 of 10 October 1989 respecting employment injury insurance, which enables effect to be given to certain provisions of the Convention. The Act (section 25(III)) provides for increments in periodical payments for disabled persons requiring the constant help of another person, in conformity with Article 16 of the Convention. Section 33 of the same Act cancels the suspension of the entitlement to periodical payments for industrial accidents in the event of temporary absence from the territory, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 1(a). In addition, with regard to Article 22, paragraph 1(g), all references to "improper conduct" of the surviving spouse which gave rise to the cancellation of the right to a periodical payment have been omitted from the Act.

The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide full information on the questions raised in a direct request.

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