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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 26) sur les méthodes de fixation des salaires minima, 1928 - Maurice (Ratification: 1969)

Autre commentaire sur C026

  1. 2015
  2. 2009
  3. 2008
  4. 1990
Réponses reçues aux questions soulevées dans une demande directe qui ne donnent pas lieu à d’autres commentaires
  1. 2021

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee notes the information supplied by the Government with its report, in particular the Regulations made as a result of the recommendations of the National Remuneration Board, which include wage rates to be applied to various categories of workers in several sectors, as well as the statistical data on the number of workers covered by the minimum wage fixing machinery.

The Government indicates that the special law review committee set up to review the Industrial Relations Act has submitted its report which will shortly be examined by the Government. The Committee notes this indication and reiterates the hope that action will soon be completed to bring the legislation into full conformity with Article 3, paragraph 2(2), of the Convention, which requires that the employers and workers concerned should be associated in the operation of the minimum wage fixing machinery in equal numbers and on equal terms. It requests the Government to indicate any progress made in this regard.

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