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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1993, publiée 80ème session CIT (1993)

Convention (n° 160) sur les statistiques du travail, 1985 - Italie (Ratification: 1989)

Autre commentaire sur C160

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The Committee has noted the Government's first report and requests further information on the following points.

Point I of the report form. The Committee requests the Government to provide a list of the laws and regulations, etc. which apply the provisions of the Convention, and, if it has not yet been done, to communicate copies of them to the Office.

Article 8 of the Convention. Concerning the population census, the Committee requests the Government to communicate the published statistics to the Office and to indicate the title of the publication(s) in which the census results appear (Article 5) and to communicate the methodological descriptions of the census to the Office and to indicate the title of the publication(s), if any, in which these descriptions are published (Article 6).

Article 9. (a) The Committee notes that the National Statistical Institute (INSTAT) compiles and publishes indices of average wage rates, earnings and hours of work. It asks the Government to indicate whether INSTAT intends to publish and to communicate to the Office these statistics in absolute figures. (b) The Committee also notes that statistics of hours actually worked and hourly earnings derived from the Labour Force Survey have not been communicated to the Office since 1985. It asks the Government to indicate the reasons why these statistics are no longer available. (c) As regards the surveys conducted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance (MLPS) and by the National Institute of Social Insurance (INPS) and a project containing six surveys carried out on behalf of the OECD, to which the Government refers in the report, the Committee requests the Government to communicate to the Office the published results of these surveys (Article 5) and methodological information (Article 6).

Article 10. The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether data on the distribution of workers according to levels of wage rates or earnings in important branches of economic activity are compiled or are intended to be compiled, and to specify the classification variables used.

Article 11. As regards the European Community Labour Cost Survey, the Committee requests the Government to communicate to the Office the results of the survey, to indicate the title and reference number of the publication(s) in which the results appear (Article 5), and also to communicate to the Office the methodological information (Article 6).

Article 13. The Committee notes that Annexes 5 and 6 of the Government's report (Information series - Family expenditure, and The quantitative distribution of incomes in Italy in surveys on family budgets), which the Government states were sent under separate cover, do not seem to have been received. It hopes that the Government, in accordance with Article 5, will communicate to the Office as soon as practicable the published statistics covered by this Article.

Article 14. (a) The Committee notes that the published statistics of occupational injuries and those communicated to the Office both exclude certain sectors (e.g. the tertiary sector), while the Convention requires the coverage of all branches of economic activity. It therefore asks the Government to indicate whether it has plans to include data for all sectors in both the published statistics and the statistics sent to the Office. (b) The Committee requests the Government to indicate whether plans exist to collect and publish information on the amount of work-time lost as a result of occupational injuries. (c) The Committee also hopes that the published statistics will be communicated to the Office as soon as practicable (Article 5).

Article 15. The Committee requests the Government to communicate to the Office the published statistics of industrial disputes (Article 5), and to indicate the reference information on the publications by the competent national body in which the methodological descriptions are contained (Article 6).

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