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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1991, publiée 78ème session CIT (1991)

Convention (n° 111) concernant la discrimination (emploi et profession), 1958 - Arabie saoudite (Ratification: 1978)

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

The Committee has learned, through the country reports on human rights practices for 1990, by the US Department of State, that steps would have been taken to restrict or exclude employment of workers, belonging to the Shiite Muslim minority, from certain jobs in the administration and in industry, in particular at the Aramco oil company. The Committee requests the Government to supply information on this question in its next report, having regard in particular to the provisions of Article 1(a) of the Convention relating to discrimination on the basis of religion.

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