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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1990, publiée 77ème session CIT (1990)

Convention (n° 137) sur le travail dans les ports, 1973 - Guyana (Ratification: 1983)

Autre commentaire sur C137

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The Committee notes from the information supplied by the Government that copies of the relevant texts requested by the Committee in its previous direct request are in the process of being dispatched. It can only reiterate its hope that the Government will not fail to communicate shortly, in accordance with point I of the report form, copies of all the relevant laws, regulations, agreements, awards, etc. mentioned in its first report, so that the Committee may examine them at its next session. Please supply the text of the recommendations of the Denbow Arbitration Tribunal, 1970, in conformity with point IV of the report form.

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