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Demande directe (CEACR) - adoptée 1989, publiée 76ème session CIT (1989)

Convention (n° 19) sur l'égalité de traitement (accidents du travail), 1925 - Angola (Ratification: 1976)

Autre commentaire sur C019

Afficher en : Francais - EspagnolTout voir

Article 1 of the Convention. 1. The Committee takes note of the new legislative texts supplied by the Government in its report (Act 6/86 of 24 March 1986 respecting the status of foreign resident workers and Act 7/86 respecting the conditions of employment of co-operative workers) which provide that these workers are covered by the occupational risks protection scheme (sections 13 and 17, respectively).

2. The Committee notes that Joint Executive Decree 2/79 of 9 April 1979, section 6 of which provided for the provision of benefits at the location indicated by foreign workers, is no longer in force. It requests the Government to indicate the measures that have been taken or are envisaged to give effect to this provision of the Convention under the terms of which equality of treatment should be guaranteed to foreign workers and their dependants without any condition as to residence.

Article 2. The Committee notes the agreements concluded with Cape Verde in 1980 and Portugal in 1979 and 1980. It requests the Government to supply information on any agreement concluded under this provision of the Convention and to supply copies of it

Point V of the report form. The Committee notes that the Government has no information available on the practical application of the Convention which, however, according to the Government does not raise any particular problems. Nevertheless, it requests the Government to supply in future any statistics that are available in accordance with this point of the report form.

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