Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2014, Publicación: 104ª reunión CIT (2015)

Convenio sobre política social (normas y objetivos básicos), 1962 (núm. 117) - Níger (Ratificación : 1964)

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Parts I and II of the Convention. Improvement of standards of living. The Committee notes the information provided in the Government’s report received in November 2013 in reply to its 2009 direct request. The Government reiterates its determination to reduce poverty levels by half by 2015 by pursuing the objective of sustainable growth, which reduces poverty, particularly through sustainable and lasting economic growth, the expansion of productive sectors and the development of basic social services. The Government adds that it has set as a priority the significant improvement of indicators of human capital, particularly by providing population groups throughout the national territory with access to basic social services, such as education, literacy, health care, sanitation and drinking water. The Committee also notes the adoption of a Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP 2012–15), signed in July 2012, of which the sole priority is “promoting decent and productive jobs for men and women, and particularly for youth, through the strengthening of social dialogue”. The implementation of the National Employment Policy is included among the short and medium-term achievements of the DWCP 2012–15. The Committee invites the Government to provide information indicating the progress achieved in the reduction of regional disparities and the improvement of the living standards of the population. The Committee also once again invites the Government to provide information on the results achieved in the framework of the implementation of the Accelerated Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (ADPRS) 2008–12 to contribute to the well-being and development of the population and to the promotion of its desire for social progress (Article 1 of the Convention). The Committee invites the Government to provide the information available on the impact of the implementation of the DWCP 2012–15, particularly with regard to living conditions in rural areas, the productive capacity and the improvement of the standard of living of workers in the informal economy (Articles 3 and 4).
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