Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2013, Publicación: 103ª reunión CIT (2014)

Convenio sobre poblaciones indígenas y tribuales, 1957 (núm. 107) - Bélgica (Ratificación : 1958)

Otros comentarios sobre C107

Solicitud directa
  1. 2022
  2. 2018
  3. 2013
  4. 2008

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The Committee notes that in the report received in September 2013, the Government reiterates that no indigenous or tribal peoples exist in the territory of Belgium and that it was decided to ratify the Convention in a spirit of international solidarity. The Committee recalls that, at its 270th Session (November 1997), the Governing Body invited States parties to Convention No. 107 to contemplate ratifying the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), which would, ipso jure, involve the immediate denunciation of Convention No. 107 (see the report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards, GB.270/LILS/3(Rev.1), paragraph 85). The Committee also refers to its direct request of 2008 and once again invites the Government to include in its next report information on any consultations held with the social partners on the possibility of ratifying Convention No. 169.
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