Information System on International Labour Standards

Observación (CEACR) - Adopción: 2010, Publicación: 100ª reunión CIT (2011)

Convenio sobre el desarrollo de los recursos humanos, 1975 (núm. 142) - Guyana (Ratificación : 1983)

Otros comentarios sobre C142

  1. 2011
  2. 2010

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The Committee notes with regret that the Government has not provided any information on the application of the Convention since its last report received in 2003.

Article 1 of the Convention. The Committee recalls the Government’s reply to its direct request of 1999 regarding proposed amendments to draft legislation for the creation of a National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and training. The Committee requests the Government to report on any progress achieved in adopting and developing comprehensive and coordinated policies of vocational guidance and vocational training, closely linked with employment, in particular through public employment services, as provided in Article 1 of the Convention.

Article 1(5). The Committee refers to its previous comments regarding projects and programmes by the Government to encourage and enable all persons, on an equal basis and without any discrimination whatsoever, to develop and use their capabilities for work in their own best interests and in accordance with their own aspirations, account being taken of the needs of society. The Committee requests the Government to include in its next report information on the implementation of projects and programmes in line with Article 1(5) of the Convention and relevant information on initiatives to encourage the vocational training of women, the type of training used and the percentage of their participation.

Article 5.The Committee requests that the Government indicate the manner, procedure or consultative machinery instituted to ensure the cooperation of employers’ and workers’ organizations and other interested bodies in the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes for vocational guidance and training.

The Committee requests the Government to provide any extracts, reports or other available material relating to policies and programmes of vocational training which targets specific areas or particular branches of economic activity or specific population groups, as requested in Part VI of the report form.

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