Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2006, Publicación: 96ª reunión CIT (2007)

Convenio sobre estadísticas del trabajo, 1985 (núm. 160) - República de Corea (Ratificación : 1997)

Otros comentarios sobre C160

  1. 2006
  2. 2003
Solicitud directa
  1. 2016
  2. 2011
  3. 2006
  4. 2003
  5. 2001
  6. 2000

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With reference to its observation, the Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide additional information on the following provisions.

Article 8 of the Convention. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide the ILO with methodological information on the latest population census, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 5 and 6.

Article 9. The Committee requests the Government to keep the ILO informed of any development in the national system of wage statistics and would be grateful if it would continue to provide all statistics compiled on the subjects covered by this Article as soon as they are available.

Article 17 (Articles 10 and 11). The Government indicates, in its reply concerning the statistical coverage of non-regular workers, that two new surveys were undertaken, one in 2002 exclusively covering the labour conditions of non-regular workers, and particularly wages and hours of work, and the other in 2003 undertaken at the enterprise level on the labour conditions of all workers, including “regular” workers. Once stable time series data have been secured from the survey on labour conditions of enterprises, which covers all categories of workers, the survey on wage structure and the survey on labour conditions in small enterprises will be phased out and integrated into the survey on labour conditions in enterprises. The Committee requests the Government to keep the ILO informed of any development in the progressive extension of the coverage of statistics to all categories of workers.

Article 12. The Committee would be grateful if the Government would provide, in accordance with Article 5, the information required by the Yearbook questionnaires on consumer price indices and, in accordance with Article 6, the relevant methodological information.

Article 14. The Committee notes that, since December 2003, statistics of occupational injuries have covered 94 per cent of workers to whom the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act applies. It notes that, apart from fatal cases and rates of fatal injuries, no new information has been received since 2001 regarding the collection of data on days lost due to occupational injuries.

Similarly, the Government has provided no new information regarding the standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO that were followed when the concepts, definitions and methodology used for statistics on occupational injuries were designed or revised (Article 2).

Finally, the Committee notes that the publication referred to in the report (Analysis of the current status of industrial accidents – reference No. 11-1490000-0000-10) has not been received. However, according to information available to the Office, it notes that the Government is considering changing the methods used for occupational safety and health statistics and that a research project has been entrusted to the University of Technology and Education, with ILO technical support. The Committee would be grateful if the Government: (i) would provide information on any plans to collect information on days lost due to occupational injuries; (ii) send relevant publications regularly, in accordance with Article 5; (iii) indicate the title and reference number of the principal publication containing the description of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in collecting and compiling statistics on occupational injuries, in accordance with Article 6; and (iv) indicate the methodology used to compile statistics of occupational diseases.

Article 15. The Committee once again asks the Government to provide information on: (i) the standards and guidelines established under the auspices of the ILO that were followed when the concepts, definitions and methodology used for statistics on strikes and lockouts were designed or revised (Article 2); and (ii) the title and reference number of the principal publication containing the description of the sources, concepts, definitions and methodology used in collecting and compiling the statistics. The Government is also requested to provide the Office with relevant data for publication in the ILO Yearbook of Labour Statistics.

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