Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2001, Publicación: 90ª reunión CIT (2002)

Convenio sobre la cerusa (pintura), 1921 (núm. 13) - Finlandia (Ratificación : 1929)

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  1. 2022

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1. The Committee notes the information provided by the Government in its report as concerns the application of Article 1 of the Convention. It further notes the Government’s indication that no permissions have been granted for the employment of painters’ apprentices in work involving the use of white lead and sulphate of lead or other products containing these pigments.

2. Article 7. The Committee takes note of the statistical data provided by the Government. It notes that in 1999 ten cases of morbidity caused by lead were notified to the Finnish Register on Occupational Diseases, however none of them was related to painting work. Moreover, the Finnish Register on Occupational Diseases has no record of lead poisoning among working painters for the period of 1 July 1996 to 31 May 2001.

The Committee would invite the Government to continue to provide statistics with regard to lead poisoning among working painters to the ILO.

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