Information System on International Labour Standards

Solicitud directa (CEACR) - Adopción: 2000, Publicación: 89ª reunión CIT (2001)

Convenio sobre la terminación de la relación de trabajo, 1982 (núm. 158) - Malawi (Ratificación : 1986)

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The Government states in its report for the period ending 30 June 1999 that the Employment Act has not yet been adopted but was scheduled to be tabled at the November 1999 session of Parliament. If the Bill is not yet adopted, the Committee hopes that the Government will take every measure to ensure that it is adopted as soon as possible and that the new legislation addresses the points previously raised by the Committee pertaining to Articles 4, 5(b)-(e), 7 and 12(1), of the Convention. The Committee would appreciate receiving a copy of the new Employment Act as soon as it becomes available.

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